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Monday, January 7, 2013

Alphabet Knob & Wooden Puzzle - New Items - ALL SOLD OUT,Tq!

Code: ED009 ABC - RM 25.00 - BOTH SOLD OUT,Tq!

 Solid Wood
Code: ED010 ABC - RM18 - BOTH SOLD OUT, Tq
To teach your little one about a-b-c (small letters) and A-B-C (Capital Letter). The knob will encourage fine motor skill development. 
Tips: This toy encourage baby to learn fast in writing, able to hold pencil correctly once your baby ready to write. 

Activity: 1. : Early Reading - Intro ( 2 years n below )
1.Demonstrate using only 3 fingers to hold the knob just like holding a pencil.  
2. Say clearly the Letter and the Letter sound then pull out the knob one by one - Allow your baby follow your sound then you repeat the letter sound to confirm your baby sound correctly.
3. Start again and say clearly the Letter and the Letter sound then put back at the original place one by one.

Activity 2: Recognize Letter  (3 years and up)
1. Do Activity 1.
2. Start ask your kids to show the the Letter by Phonics Sound

Activity 3 : Recall Letter ( 3 years and up) 
1.Ask your kids to Demonstrate and say clearly the Letter and the Letter sound then pull out the knob one by one.
2. Ask your kids to Demonstrate and say clearly the Letter and the Letter sound then
put back at the original place one by one

Activity 4: Buid up a word from the Letter. eg: CAT
1. Demonstrate using only 3 fingers to hold the knob just like you hold a pencil.
2. Pull out the Letter C with the Letter sound, Letter A dan T followed the Letter sounds.
3. Put the Letter togather  and say the word CAT. Redo activity and ask your kids to try the game. 
Okies Have fun!

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